Jam for Jameison

Saturday 7th December 2023

This is it. The one and only Jam for Jamieson. Unless you've done bikepacking, multi day racing, solo 24 hour mountain biking, Everesting, gravel racing or Audax, this is going to take you to some new and dark places.
You're going to be on the bike for a very long day. At least 15 hours on mountainous gravel roads. Hopefully you will have done the Grand Ridge Road Randonnee, Gippsland Gold or something of similar difficulty. If you're an expeienced long distance cyclist, you'll know what to expect. If you're stepping up in distance, this will definately be a very different experience.
Location: Lake Glenmaggie, Vic
Registration: Now Open
Route: 300/400 km (110km of bitumen)
Climbing: HC+G (Hors Category Plus Gravel)
Subscribe: I want to know more

Route - No Easy Options
400km - 6500m ascent - 280km gravel
Sector Zero - The Baw Baw South Face Road, Noojee and on to Woods Point
300km - 5250m ascent - 210km gravel
Sector One - Thompson, only one major climb but its vicous
Sector Two - Long drag to Woods Point
Sector Three - Frenchmans Gap
Sector Four - Mt Skene
Sector Five - The Three Sisters
200km - 3500m ascent - 150km gravel
Sector Six - Mt Selma Track
Mt Skene - The biggest badest gravel climb in Australia
38km - 1500m ascent - all gravel
Everything until now has been a warm up. Now the main event begins. The climb starts 1okm out of Jamieson and winds its way through pleasant shaded forest. A series of short down hills break the climb into to three main parts, which get progressiely tougher as they approach the sumitt. The road conditions suffer an equally unwelcome reduction in quality as the climb contiunes, but the panoramic views of the High Country provid a recompense for the physical effort that is breathtaking in all senses of the word. Reaching the sumitt of Mt Skene at dusk is a truley memorable experience that makes all the suffering worthwhile.
Registration - Almost Full
Although registration is not open expressions of interest are being accpeted to the waitlist. As places are limited its important to get your name on the waitlist as soon as possible, so that you don't miss out.
To take part in the 300 you must have completed the Grand Ridge Road Randonnee or Gippsland Gold 200, or an event of similar difficulty.
To take part in the 400 you must have sucessfully completed the Jam for Jamieson 300 or and event of similar difficulty.
You will be required to provide details when you complete your registration.